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  • We continue our short series on some of the top reasons to come to HMI Hockey Camp. Today we look at one of the very unique aspects of our camp:

    Christian coaches, players and guests.

    No where else will you have a chance to learn from some of the games best Christian coaches on and off the ice. Not only that, but you have the unique opportunity to talk, hangout, play, listen and spend the day with some of the games top Christian players from all levels in hockey.

    Think about this for a minute:

    • How cool would it be to play 3 on 3 with a major junior player, college player or even NHL player? At HMI Hockey Camp, this is not a dream, it's a reality
    • How awesome would it be to hear about how the top Christian players face the challenges of life in hockey....face to face? At HMI Hockey Camp,  this is not just a dream, it's a reality.
    • What would it be like to share a meal with current and former NHL players? Come to HMI Hockey Camp and find out because they will be there. It won't be a dream, it will be reality.
    When you walk into an HMI Hockey Camp you don't see the instructors only at the ice times. You get to experience day to day life with them. You get to ask them questions.You can go beyond living through them via the TV, and live with them in person, even if it is just for a few days.

    We think this is pretty cool. We also think its a great way for younger generations of hockey players to watch, listen, and learn from a Christian player who has been through some of the same ups and downs they may be going through in their own life.
    So, the obvious question remains: What are you waiting for?
    Register for HMI Hockey Camp right now

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