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  • Jan3Fri

    Stories from Around the Rink - 1/3/2014

    January 3, 2014

    The decisions of young hockey players - Kids are being forced to make major life decisions at a younger age than ever before. This article explores the process through two different players who choose different paths.

    "Few major sports demand life-altering decisions from their adolescent stars quite the way hockey does."

    Oh Canada, eh - This list of 55 "Canadianisms" is pretty interesting. A great learning experience for our American readers and a fun read for those who already treasure these as part of their daily life. 

    Top Shootout Goals of 2013 - Sit back and relax as you watch God's creation doing some pretty cool things. Have you ever thought about how intricately we are made???

    Should you "Pray to Win" - While not specifically a "hockey article", this piece helps us as athletes pray for the right things.

    "The world, and often the Christian community, is obsessed with winning. But does the Lord even care who wins and who loses? Are there other outcomes that are more important, but less measurable?"

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