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    Do You Struggle to Pray?

    October 31, 2021

    By Rob Globke

    In his book, God's Prayer Book, author Ben Patterson describes a method of prayer which has been very helpful to me over the years. He suggests using 3 R's to pray around what we read in the Bible.

    The 3 R's to Pray:

    1. Rejoice: What do I find here that gives me cause to rejoice, to give praise and thanks?

    2. Repent: What do I read here that brings to light sin in my life?

    3. Request: What did I learn about in which I can ask God for help in my life?

    Prayer is so simple. It's just having a conversation with God. Yet as any honest person will tell ya, it's far from easy. Hopefully this may help you as you seek to spend time with your heavenly Father. A little example from something I read the other day and my own prayer life. And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word. 1 Kings 18:21

    Rejoice: Father God, thank you that you are unlike anything else in this world. You are far greater than Baal. Far better than money, fame, security, family, friends, hockey, and so much more. I rejoice that I can still follow you even though you seem so unreachable at times. I praise you for putting people in my life like Elijah who remind me to not waver in my pursuit of you. People bold enough to speak what is true in the midst of opposition.

    Repent: I'm sorry, Father, for the many times this week I've limped between you and other things that aren't you. I'm sorry I've put ______(personal idol) before you in my life lately. Forgive me for not committing fully to you and your ways and for being silent for so long when confronted by your truth.

    Request: Dear God, I pray that you'll help me to follow you with all my heart. Open my eyes to see you as better than everything else in my life. Keep me from trying to walk on both sides and give me strength this day and more to not limp, but give myself fully to you. Finally, please make yourself more known to me so that when I'm feeling you are far I know you are still with me. Then, I have no excuse to be silent.
