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    Brad Larsen on the Importance of the Bible

    February 26, 2020
    By nature I have always been an early riser and that’s when I find the best time for me to read the Bible. A typical day I’m up at 4am.....do some work in the barn.....then during the hockey season I’m at work between 5 and 5:30am. It’s the best part of the day. Peace and quiet and an opportunity to dive into the word. When I do this with diligence I can actually feel myself drawing nearer to God. That is truth. When I miss a day or two I feel “different”.......distant from our maker.

    The Bible has changed my life. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. The more I read it the more I am truly humbled and amazed at what an incredible God we truly have. He helps guide me through daily life with His word. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read during my morning quiet time and just how relevant it was to my day. Trust me I get it.....we are busy, tired, think we have more important things to do, lazy......always an excuse not to read at times. But I can honestly say when I DON’T read my Bible I tend to “drift”.....drift away from the living God that leads and guides me.

    Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses.....

    “Have I not commanded you?-be strong and courageous!  Do not be discouraged or dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    I repeat that verse a lot in my own mind quite a bit. God has called me to be strong and fearless.....He is with me ALL THE TIME.  Not just in an emergency or when things are great....... but ALL THE TIME. It has been a great reminder for me that God is alive and with me no matter what. Amen to that!

    Since giving myself to Christ on May 22nd 2011 my life has been absolutely transformed. I owe everything to God and his loving words in the Bible. Trust me when I tell you that I’m no Bible scholar or have memorized every verse....what I can tell you is I’m a sinner, I’m flawed, I’m  not worthy of His love......BUT......by Gods incredible grace....love.....and forgiveness He walks beside me and let’s me know that I AM worthy of His love. I’ve been humbled by His love and will never be able to repay Him for that....but as each day goes on I will try my very best to do Gods work to the best of my ability through His guidance.

    Be Strong and Courageous.......we can all do that with confidence when we walk beside God and read His “love letter” to us....that “love letter” is the Bible.