
  • by Rob Globke

    I’m sorry, you no longer can play on this team (John 6:36-39)
    In hockey, you can be cut, dumped, released or flat out kicked off a team. In Christ, you will never be kicked off of God’s team.

    You’re on your own for this one (Deut 31:6,8)
    Sometimes it may feel like you’re alone at the rink, but God never let’s us play one season, one game, or one shift by ourselves.

    You’re only as good as your last shift  (2 Cor. 5:21)
    The world of hockey measures you by your performance. God measures you by Christ’s performance.

    I messed up, you should have never played on that team (Proverbs 16:9)
    God doesn’t make mistakes. He is absolutely in control of every second of every day. You are where you are because God wants you there. That is an amazing reality.

    You can do it without me (Phil. 4:13)
    Left to our own devices….we are in trouble. We can only make it through every trial, trouble, hardship and toil by the grace of God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. So, don’t try to do it all alone.

    If you just played better, I would love you (Eph. 2:8-9)
    There is nothing we can do to earn God’s favor. Play to honor God, not earn honor. He loves you no matter how many goals, assists, or wins you end up with at the end of the year.

    I’m sorry I missed that __________ (Heb. 4:13)
    God knows and sees all things. He doesn’t miss anything. This means that He doesn’t miss the good things you do that no one else sees. It also means He doesn't miss the not so good things you do that no one else sees. He is present in all places at once, act accordingly.

    I don’t care about how you treat people (1 Peter 1:16)
    We are not given grace so that we may live however we want. We are commanded to live a life of holiness, as God is holy.

    I will never forgive you for __________ (Romans 5:8)
    Think about the worst, most nasty thing you did this year to an opponent or even a teammate. Jesus died even for this. He died to pay it all….ALL. There is nothing that God’s grace in Christ does not cover!

    Stop bugging me with your problems (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
    He never wants to stop hearing from you. He never is “too busy” for you. Go to Him. Talk to Him. Rely on Him. Lean on Him. Plead with Him. Search for Him….with everything at all times.

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