What is Hockey Chapel?
Hockey Ministries International's hockey chapels are non-denominational and are attended by players from a wide variety of backgrounds. These interactive sessions provide players with a message, a prayer time, and an opportunity to talk about what is going on in their own lives; things that matter to them; things with which they struggle. Chapel leaders explain Biblical principles that can help them to deal with challenges on and off the ice. In initiating these programs HMI has taken a balanced approach, sensitive to management and players alike. Attendance is entirely voluntary and chapels are held at convenient times and locations. Since we exist to serve players and coaches, we make it a priority to accommodate the demanding schedules of the current hockey culture. The chapel program is fully funded through Hockey Ministries International and is a free service to the teams and leagues we serve.
How are Chapels established?
HMI takes a very low key approach to establishing chapel programs for teams. Once approved by coaches and management, HMI will make an initial presentation to interested players and staff. The voluntary nature of the program, as well as its positive value for the players and the team is outlined and if interest is demonstrated, the program is established. Hockey Ministries International takes full responsibility for recruiting, training, supporting and resourcing the right person to serve as the Chaplain for each individual team. Candidates for chaplain go through a thorough application process and receive specialized training and resources.
What is a Chapel Leader or Chaplain?
Chapel programs are a core component of HMI's ministry, requiring the participation of a Chapel Leader. An HMI Hockey Chapel Leader is an individual who is in place to serve a specific Hockey Club in the following ways:
- To be a safe spiritual and emotional resource person for players, personnel and the families involved with a Hockey Club regardless of one's personal church or non-church perspective.
- To serve those players and personnel who have a personal faith perspective with a Biblically based Chapel Program from a non-denominational perspective.
- HMI Chapel Leaders understand that attendance or involvement is completely voluntary and confidences are strictly kept.
- HMI and it's leaders do not receive funding from teams or hockey leagues.
- HMI chapel leader candidates are carefully vetted as they go through a multi-stage application process.