August 10-15, 2025
Overnight Camp
Jackson's Point Camp & National Training Rinks
Bringing together world class resources to provide a fun, high quality, overnight camp and
hockey training experience that promotes Christian character,
focus, unity and team building for players of all skill levels.
On-ice programming at National Training Rinks (NTR) includes... 2 hours on-ice training each morning with former NHL/Minor Pro and NCAA instructors. Power skating and skills development, stick handling, passing & shooting plus dedicated goaltending instruction.
Housing at beautiful Jackson's Point Camp (Salvation Army) includes...
An outstanding team of councillors and cabin leaders. Age and gender-specific cabins, all meals, snacks, archery, canoeing, swimming, GAGA ball, volleyball
& basketball, campfires & games, dryland training, climbing wall,
ropes course and so much more.
For a more visual overview, check out our Facebook page.
The Lake Simcoe camp is currently full. Please fill out the form here to be put on the waitlist.
Overnight Camp Cost
Before April 30, 2024: $890 + tax = $1005.70
After April 30, 2024: $910 + tax = $1028.30
Local Contact: Jeff Jackson,,
Operated in co-operation with The Salvation Army

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