August 10-15, 2025
Overnight Camp
Jackson's Point Camp & National Training Rinks
Bringing together world class resources to provide a fun, high quality, overnight camp and
hockey training experience that promotes Christian character,
focus, unity and team building for players of all skill levels.
On-ice programming at National Training Rinks (NTR) includes... 2 hours on-ice training each morning with former NHL/Minor Pro and NCAA instructors. Power skating and skills development, stick handling, passing & shooting plus dedicated goaltending instruction.
Housing at beautiful Jackson's Point Camp (Salvation Army) includes...
An outstanding team of councillors and cabin leaders. Age and gender-specific cabins, all meals, snacks, archery, canoeing, swimming, GAGA ball, volleyball
& basketball, campfires & games, dryland training, climbing wall,
ropes course and so much more.
For a more visual overview, check out our Facebook page.
Overnight Camp Cost
Before April 30, 2024: $890 + tax = $1005.70
After April 30, 2024: $910 + tax = $1028.30
Local Contact: Jeff Jackson,,
Operated in co-operation with The Salvation Army
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